Following Fridays!

In an effort to make some new friends for all of my random thoughts!!

New Friend Fridays

Smart and Trendy Momsbadge


  1. I’m your newest follower =) happy friday

  2. I’m a new follower from Fun Follow Friday! Feel free to stop by my blog 🙂

  3. Happy 15 year Anniversary!
    Very cute family!
    Happy Friday!
    Come say hi and follow me back.

  4. from follow me friday…

    jen @

  5. Hi. I am your newest follower from Friendly Friday.Please follow me back. Have a great weekend!


  6. Here for Friday Follows and following you now. Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  7. LOVE your blog. I’m stopping by from Friday Social Parade (last week) – I tend to explore blogs every day, not just Fridays.

    I’ve been thinking about starting a second blog about things to do in Northwest Indiana. Wineries would be included, of course! Do you know if there are any blogs like that out there?

    I just switched my primary blog to WordPress, if you have time, take a peek and let me know what you think of my new design! Everything isn’t finished but it’s close, and my google friend connect is now there – (woo-hoo kinda fun not to type the “blogspot”). If you want to see the before-and-after, the before is I hope you’ll follow me back!

    Nice to meet you!

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