The View on My Vacation

This was the view I had for much of our recent vacation.
My two daughters and husband, hand-in-hand while I followed along behind them.  In all fairness, I was walking slow because of a 34 week pregnant belly and feet, that at the end of the day, looked like this.
Swollen doesn’t begin to explain how my feet felt.
My family decided to go to Holiday World for a vacation. Located in Santa Claus, Indiana, Holiday World is a great amusement park. And I love roller coasters.  However, I couldn’t ride anything. So I had to follow my family around and wait while they rode the rides.
The first stop on our vacation was to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum. My kids loved the Barbie exhibit! They got to dress up and model in fancy clothes.
The Egypt exhibit was very cool, as was the picture I ended up with. They are hanging out on a few sphynx and playing dress up with Mommy.
And then it’s time to pose with Daddy!

Finally we were off to Holiday World to see Santa.

And get wet on a really fun ride!

We stayed at a nearby campgrounds where we rented a camper. One evening the campgrounds featured a golf cart glow parade. Our golf cart was pretty pathetic, but still fun.

However, in the end, we had a great time and can’t wait to go back next year. Next time I won’t be pregnant and will actually go on rides with the kids!


  1. Oh, your poor feet!!! Sit down and put them up for awhile!

  2. I’ve heard so much about HW. We may have to get the heck out of here for a few days and check it out next year! Now go put your feet up silly girl!

  3. How fun. I think we have the same photo with Santa from our childhood visits!

  4. We have never been to Holiday World, but think we will have to soon. I didn’t know you could rent a camper. How fun. I hope your feet and body are feeling better now that you are back home.

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