A Hunting We Will Go

In all fairness, I first posted this as a guest blogger last week to my friend’s Liz’s blog. And seeing how I haven’t had time to blog this week, I’m going to post it here as well. 

Growing up, it was a right of passage to go mushroom hunting.  Many Sunday afternoons, after we had been to church and had lunch, Dad would load my sister and I up to trapse through the woods. In the early years, my sister and I just goofed around. But once we got old enough to find mushrooms, we were good hunters! Dad still jokes he’d go stand near one and say “I think there must be some around here.” But I like to think we found some on our own!

Now my husband and kids enjoy heading to one of our wooded properties that adjoin many different farm fields we plant each spring with corn or soybeans. We are on the lookout for the treasure morel mushroom. You can’t travel to any church service, coffee shop or farm commodity meeting this time of year without someone asking you how many mushrooms you have found.

My Farmer has taken the girls on a few different trips to the woods. With the amount of rain that has fallen and the few hours of sunshine we have had, The Farmer has been convinced the woods should be providing many more mushrooms than he has actually found. So imagine my surprise when he came home one night and told us all to grab a bag and follow him.

So our yard had not yet been mowed, thanks to the rain we have had. But the sunshine had produced morel mushrooms. A lot of them!

Both girls found quite a few hidden amongst the dandelions.
After spending a bit of time searching our yard, we brought our bags inside and counted 66 mushrooms in all!
Our favorite way to eat them is to wash them in salt water, rinse in cold water, dip in flour and fry in butter!

By no means is this a healthy meal, however we only indulge in this meal as we find the mushrooms. Thus far our 66 mushrooms have made a few meals. And I do run a lot to work off the calories this meal provides. Not to be left out, my Lion Cub, who is only 8 months old, has discovered a taste for mushrooms as well!

Don’t worry, I only took my hand off the sandwich to take the picture. He didn’t eat this whole thing!
If you have a better recipe for morel mushrooms, I’d love to hear it! Leave me a comment and tell me how you eat this spring delicacy!

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