I’ve been absent so long that I’m not even sure where to start. Should I tell you about my crazy summer, full of long work hours and busy projects. Should I mention that we had a hog barn burn down just a few weeks ago. Or that school started way before I was ready for it to. All of it adds up to my absence. But I’m back. And ready to show you what we’ve been up to!
It’s taken me sometime, but I’ve finally started making recipes from the Gooseberry Patch readers said they wanted me to cook from for our Real Farmwives of America partnership! So I’ll be sharing my new fave recipes from 101 Homestyle Favorites over the next few weeks.
My first recipe is called Summer Sparkle. My kids and I enjoyed this on one of our recent 90+ degree days. We were sweating faster than we could replenish ourselves so we decided to cool down with a nice beverage.
This recipe was beyond simple to make. Take a 48 ox bottle of red grapefruit juice, 12 oz frozen can of orange juice, 6 oz frozen can of lemonade, and a bottle of lemon-lime soda (I used diet to cut back on the calories). Let the orange juice and lemonade thaw and the simply pour all of this in a big pitcher and mix.
My kids loved it!
For something special, pour this drink into ice cube trays and freeze. Then pop the ice cubes into a glass of tap water to make a flavored water. I used ice cube trays that have popsicle sticks in them so the kids could then eat the juice like a popsicle! Those didn’t even last long enough for me to taste them.
Special thanks to Gooseberry Patch for providing me with this great cookbook to try and share with you. If you would like to purchase this or other cookbooks, please visit their store. If you would like to see other great recipes, check out http://www.realfarmwivesofamerica.com
This refreshing beverage is not just for kids…it’s so refreshing for all ages!!