Plain and simple, cancer sucks. I have lost two friends in the past year to cancer, one a beautiful 30ish year old friend, Mom to three, wife to one loving husband and friend to many. Brain cancer took her. And in the beginning of this year I lost another friend, this time to advanced melonoma. Husband, dad, friend. Both felt unfair and leave questions I know can’t and won’t be answered until we meet again at the throne of God and I can ask Him why my friends were taken so early.

So cancer sucks. We all know someone who has suffered from some form of cancer. And if you can spare a prayer, add my Real Farmwives of America bloggy buddy Leontien to your prayer list. Leontien has fought cancer in the past and just found out her fight continues. Unfair, unfathomable. But not unconqueable.

Visit Leontien’s blog and leave her an encouraging word. And say a prayer. Because cancer sucks. And we don’t need it to slow our dear friend down.
Hi Jeanette!
Thank you sooo much for this gesture! it is truly amazing and God works in amazing ways!
I am very very sorry about the loss of your friends i wish it wasn’t this way…
And i maybe can contact you about your friend? Maybe i can do things differently and maybe that will help???
A big hug and thank you!